Living storY

A Dedicated Day for Creative Renewal & Project Development

Sun., Aug. 11, 2024 – 12:30-5:30 pm

Embrace your time, renew your energy and move forward in your creative project through Living Story, a guided retreat-style experience hosted at The Carnegie Center of Columbia Tusculum.

Living Story offers dedicated time to focus on creative projects, book manuscripts, art-making, educational or public program development, and unique business concepts. Your vision will gain surprising, new texture if you set aside one day in the company of other creative women to create new material or modify existing ideas. The Carnegie’s beautiful space and surrounding historical neighborhood will lend inspiration to your creative process. 

Experience optional guided creative prompts, feedback circles, or energy-boosting one-on-one mentorship sessions. Or feel free to tuck away to do your thing.  We’ll provide each person with a table in the Carnegie’s beautiful ballroom, including Internet access, delicious snacks, and water/tea/coffee on all-day flow. Creative breaks may include a visit to Daylily Deli right across the street and a “story stroll” around charming Columbia Tusculum. At the day’s end, we’ll hold a special interchange where we share creative progress, project content, and helpful resources with each other.

Photos by Tim Jeffries with Moving Images Photography, courtesy of The Carnegie Center of Columbia Tusculum

Collaboratively led by Dr. Sherry Cook Stanforth, author, professor emeritus, and founder of Originary Arts Initiative, and Stacy Smith Rogers, freelance journalist, entrepreneur, and founder of Stronger Girl. 

Registration: $69.00

Why make time to experience Living Story?

As we move along in our busy days, we sometimes forget to nourish our creative spirits.  Our relationships with fixed routines, changing life structures, or vulnerable situations often limit how we map our own life journey. Living Story invites a fresh, curious perspective that will encourage you to start, finish or dive deeper into a creative project. Whether it’s crafting words, images, colors, textures or thoughts together, you’ll experience the time, space and inspiration to gain momentum.

Living Story is a dynamic, adaptive interpretation of life in action, where what we make and do is primarily shaped by our value for cultivating inspiring relationships with people, practicing cultural curiosity, and experiencing peace and insight in nature.  The art of Living Story rises from a willingness to risk creative empathy and movement beyond existing (and often limiting) designs.

If your company or organization would like to host a Living Story experience, reach out to Stacy or Sherry to discuss custom programing designed to spark creativity and inspiration for your group.