lights. candle. action!

Stronger Girl Blog - Candle in Kitchen - Lights Candle Action

There is story behind everything we do … whether we realize it or not. Sometimes we are the main character, and sometimes we are supporting someone else’s. In either case, there is power in our daily actions, even in our daily routines, as the plot of our story thickens. My routine includes lighting a candle every morning while intentionally reflecting on the day and saying a silent prayer for my daughters. For that brief moment, I see my life as a story and the lighting of the candle is like a director proclaiming, “Action!” on the set. As the aroma of the candle fills the kitchen, it sets the tone for the morning, and I breathe in the scent, letting it usher hope and promise.

Forest Hike,” the signature scent for Stronger Girl, has a story too. When I burn it, I’m transported to a time when the phrase, “Stronger Girl,” was coined and I remember how the mountain of trees whispered the need to persevere and the crunch of leaves underfoot was a chorus of progress. The sap of pine needles and the slight linger of smoke from a leftover campfire encouraged each breath along the uphill hike.

Perhaps the scent of Forest Hike will transport you too … or a friend who might be on a challenging journey where she’s dodging tree roots and forgetting to look up along the way. Perhaps the routine of lighting a candle each morning might uplift you in some way. Perhaps it’s time to EMBRACE YOUR STORY, however, steep the climb might seem.

Order your Forest Hike candle and see where it transports you.


Bring on the heat
